Karacabey Ataturk Ilkokulu - Bursa, Turkey

What are the organisation's main activities?
Our school is the largest primary school in terms of number of students with a strong background.Our school is the third oldest school, opened in 1962, is a strong institution in Karacabey, with 640 students,575 parents,33 teachers,administrators and assistant staff. Our school is a full-time educational institution. Our school also offers preschool education and 100 (25x4) students in 4 branches with 100% occupancy in pre-school education.The purpose of
the school is to educate the social life, family and collecting good citizens as well as academic educators.Academic Education includes lecture, music and physical education courses as well as literacy courses, mathematics,English, science and social sciences courses.
In order to reach success in education and training and to strengthen families communication and communication with parents, a family education program consisting of 14 sessions in the form of 2 groups of 42 families with children aged 7- 11 years is carried out by our school Psychological Counselor and Guidance Teacher.These sessions include: introduction and content of the program, passing quality time with the child and playing, effective communication skills, giving positive behavior, changing unwanted behavior, emotional regulation, physical and sexual development, social and academic development, family situational, family attitudes, social emotional behavioral problems, children's rights,
neglect, abuse and violence, sensitivity to special needs individuals.