of Bulgarian Mobility
Bulgarian Mobility- 
Main Theme: Astronomy and Planets 
1.Class Observation of STEAM lesson/Denimila/ - Grade 3 Theme: Venus Planet
2.Class Observation of a STEAM lesson /Ralitsa/- Grade 3/ aged 10/ Theme: Neptune Planet
3.Workshop – Zhaklin – Grade 4 /aged 11/ Theme: Mineral on Earth
4.Workshop- Danaila- Preschoolers /aged 6-7/ Theme: The magic of Germination Wednesday /Day 3/
5.CLASSESS OBSERVATION 3 STEAM classes with Science teacher Denimila and Music teacher Vessela
 6.Guests visit mixed classes /Galaxies/ Teachers: Danaila and Vanya Chobanova 7.How to integrate Science games into the learning process- discussions and reflections. MUSEUMS AND BRIDGES OF SOFIA -PHOTOWALK
 1.SOFIA REGIONAL HISTORY MUSEUM - 2.MUSEUM OF THE MODERN ART KVADRAT - 500 On the second and third days of our AstroSTEAM adventure, in the Bulgarian household project 'Time for Coding,' which is part of the Erasmus exchange for sharing best practices in education, a series of interdisciplinary lessons and workshops took place, proving to be intriguing, engaging, and filled with new knowledge and skills.